
A Doll's House, by Henrik Ibsen

Hosted by listenwithaudrey

19 Jan 2023 - 18 Feb 2023

Prizes: Audio (250 copies) — Available in 177 countries

fiction classics play
reflective medium-paced

2 hours, 9 minutes | first published 1879

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Audrey is a new audiobook app that curates the best literary fiction and pairs each book with an expert literary guide.

This month, we're giving away our guided edition of A Doll's House, exclusively available on Audrey! A theatrical classic performed by a full cast of actors, A Doll's House will make you laugh, think, and have you rushing to the notes from your guides to learn more about its context and themes.
The book’s Audrey Guide is scholar Lauren Hossack. As well as picking out the book’s most poignant quotes, prompting you to reflect on its themes and sharing her feelings about certain characters, Lauren provides expert insights into what makes the writing so powerful, TV and podcast recommendations in the same vein as the novel, recipes mentioned in the book and a cracker of a playlist. And it’s all illustrated by the wonderfully talented Rosie Leech 🎨

All Audrey audiobooks also come with chapter recaps and a much-needed character map. It's kind of like a book club for one 😉
Enter our giveaway to win free access to the audiobook and guide for A Doll's House on the beautiful Audrey app. Check the app out for free now in the App Store or Play Store

Book description

A Doll's House audiobook with guide by Lauren Hossack and illustrations by Rosie Leech, exclusive to Audrey. The carefully choreographed life of Nora and Torvald Helmer begins to unravel when it becomes clear Nora is keeping a secret that will cha...


Format: Audio

Number of copies: 250

Delivery: Book added to the user's library on the Audrey app

Eligible countries (177)
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1.85k entries

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