
Fernbloom's Guide to Freebone Vale by T.M. van Dalen

Hosted by timvdalen

19 Nov 2024 - 18 Dec 2024

Giveaway closed

Prizes: Print (5 copies), Digital (50 copies) — Available in 178 countries

fiction fantasy reference
adventurous informative lighthearted medium-paced

79 pages | first published 2024

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Hey all, thanks for checking out my giveaway to celebrate the launch of Kellem's Auxiliary Notes!
It's live on Kickstarter right now! Kellem's Auxiliary Notes is a notebook for keeping track of Freebone Vale campaigns, based on Fernbloom's Guide to Freebone Vale.
If you check out the campaign right now, you can get an exclusive early-bird discount (get the PDF for only €1, or the physical book for €3!)

Fernbloom's Guide to Freebone Vale was funded on Kickstarter last year, and I'm hoping to spread the setting to more people!
Players are definitely encouraged to sign up for this giveaway and gift the book to their Dungeon Master, DM's love getting gifts like that :).

To sign up for future giveaways and get a free pack of maps to go with my adventures, check out my website! I mainly publish adventures for Dungeons & Dragons, but I also have a few books with DM help and supporting material.

You can either (or both!) sign up for a physical copy, which I'll ship to your door, or for the digital copy that I'll deliver to your DriveThruRPG library. If you don't have a DriveThruRPG account yet, don't worry, it will be automatically created for you.

Book description

Kellem Fernbloom is a famed cartographer and the foremost expert on the region of Freebone Vale and its inhabitants. He strikes an impressive figure for a halfling and carries himself with confidence, always wearing his signature boots of elvenkin...


Format: Print

Number of copies: 5

Delivery: Package via a local courier

Eligible countries (170)
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2.81k entries

Format: Digital

Number of copies: 50

Delivery: DriveThruRPG library via email

Eligible countries (178)
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1.91k entries