
Read Books All Day and Get Paid For It: The Business of Book Coaching by Jennie Nash

Hosted by authoraccelerator

19 Oct 2023 - 18 Nov 2023

Prizes: Digital (25 copies), Print (5 copies) — Available in 119 countries

nonfiction business self help
informative inspiring reflective fast-paced

154 pages | first published 2019

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Win a free copy of Read Books All Day & Get Paid For It! Are you feeling uninspired in your current career? Are you itching to learn more about the creative process? Do you wish you could get paid to read books all day?

Book coaching is an emerging career in the side gig economy and publishing industry. Oftentimes, writers are meant to figure out the writing and publishing process on their own, with no help from an agent, editor, or publisher until after a book deal is made. Book coaches are here to fill the gap.  Part project manager, part editor, part cheerleader, being a book coach is intellectually stimulating, soulful, satisfying work that you can do on your own time from the comfort of your own home.

In Read Books All Day and Get Paid For It: The Business of Being a Book Coach, Jennie Nash, a multiple six-figure book coach and the founder and CEO of Author Accelerator, shares the nuts and bolts of the book coaching business — touching on everything from pricing and processes to marketing and mindset. Jennie has trained more than 50 book coaches in how to coach fiction and nonfiction writers, and now she is sharing her secrets about how to run a successful side hustle or full-time book coaching business.

"Jennie Nash is the SuperWoman of book coaches. She is bringing dignity and skills to this wild west profession and this book is one of her many stellar contributions. Set up your business with your eyes wide open and all the info and skills you need. As generous and smart as Jennie herself."
— Jen Louden, bestselling author and teacher

“Jennie Nash is utterly brilliant, scary savvy, and the reason my book coaching business is successful beyond my wildest dreams. Her advice is pure gold! I'll always be in awe of her — she rocks!”
— Lisa Cron, story coach, author of Wired for Story and Story Genius

"For years, Jennie Nash and I have had weekly private business strategy meetings where she shares the exact details of her business. Revenue, salaries, strategies, processes, all the secrets of how she grows and manages a multi-six figure business. To my surprise, she is now sharing these same things in a book that just anyone can buy. Read Books All Day and Get Paid For It isn't some vague pitch for how to be a book coach: it is an MBA for writers who want to understand how start a business from scratch. Honestly, I'm shocked at the level of details she shares in here on the process of book coaching, marketing, pricing, packaging services and so much more. What's more, she doesn't present it as one-size fits all, but instead allows the reader to personalize her advice in a Choose Your Own Adventure manner. It took me years and thousands of hours in conversation to learn from her total editorial and business genius. But you? You just have to spend a few hours reading the book, and then implementing her advice."
— Dan Blank, author of Be the Gateway: A Practical Guide to Sharing Your Creative Work and Engaging an Audience, founder of

Book description

There's a new player in the gig economy that's perfect for people who love books. It's called book coaching, and you really do get to read books all day and get paid for it. A book coach is a strategic professional who guides a writer through the ...


Format: Digital

Number of copies: 25

Delivery: An Author Accelerator team member will email you your copy

Eligible countries (119)
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Format: Print

Number of copies: 5

Delivery: Package will be sent from an Author Accelerator team member

Eligible countries: Canada, United States

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