
The Death of Ivan Ilych, by Leo Tolstoy

Hosted by listenwithaudrey

19 May 2023 - 18 Jun 2023

Prizes: Audio (250 copies) — Available in 177 countries

fiction classics literary
dark reflective sad medium-paced

2 hours, 51 minutes | first published 1886

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Tolstoy connoisseur and Audrey guide Simon Haissel takes you through one of the great Russian masterpieces in the exclusive Audrey edition of The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Simon's guide includes insights into the writing and the author's life, thought-provoking questions, TV and podcast recommendations, a book-inspired playlist, and - like all Audrey books - chapter recaps and a character map. It also features stunning illustrations by Marie Muravski! It's kind of like a book club for one 🙂

Enter our giveaway to win free access to the audiobook and guide for The Death of Ivan Ilyich on the beautiful Audrey app. Check the app out for free now in the App Store or Play Store.

Book description

The Death of Ivan Ilyich audiobook with guide by Simon Haisell and illustrations by Marie Muravski, exclusive to Audrey. Discover one of Tolstoy’s lesser-known masterpieces. Sometimes funny, often bleak, The Death of Ivan Ilyich is a realistic and...


Format: Audio

Number of copies: 250

Delivery: Book added to the user's library on the Audrey app

Eligible countries (177)
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