
The Road to Complacency by Steven G. Monteiro RN

Hosted by stevenmonteiro

19 Oct 2023 - 18 Nov 2023

Prizes: Print (10 copies), Digital (15 copies) — Available in 177 countries

fiction contemporary romance
emotional hopeful reflective medium-paced

364 pages | first published 2018

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Hi readers, my name is Steven Monteiro and I am the author of The Road to Complacency. This book is more than a romance book, it is also an lyrical look in to how married couples fall into a complacent marriage. It is also about all-consuming love; how a man and woman can think they are in love with their given spouses until they meet the person they were destined to spend their entire life with, but unfortunately at the wrong time!

Book description

He would stay up late at night and watch old movies where love appeared like fireworks on the Fourth of July: From Here to Eternity, Casablanca, Gone with the Wind. Movies where love screamed into the room and was all-consuming and the lovers love...


Format: Print

Number of copies: 10

Delivery: Direct mail to winner.

Eligible countries: Canada, United States

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Format: Digital

Number of copies: 15

Delivery: Gifted from Amazon to your email.

Eligible countries (177)
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