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They don't have anything marked as 'currently reading'.
Mainly reads fiction books that are emotional, dark, and adventurous.
Typically chooses medium-paced books that are <300 pages long.
365 Days
Blanka LipiΕska
Beauchamp Hall
Danielle Steel
Daddy's Girls
Jewel: An Erotic Novella
Alexis Rey
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Ravenclaw Edition
J.K. Rowling
A God in the Shed
J-F. Dubeau
Reading goal of 180 books met!
208% (375 books)
Pages goal of 50,000 pages met!
139% (375 books), 69,262 pages
Hours goal of 1,000 hours met!
115% (375 books), 1,150.9 hours
Jess Mariano Reading Challenge
Karin Slaughter - Stand Alone Novels
Karin Slaughter - The Grant County Series
Karin Slaughter - Will Trent Series
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