A Novel Alliance 2024 Reading Challenge

Hosted by sarshu01

26 participants, 146 books added

Starts: Monday, 01 January 2024

Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024

This is the (second annual) challenge created by the FB group A Novel Alliance, although anyone is welcome to join this Storygraph challenge. 

This challenge is designed to be fun, and to push you to broaden your reading choices. The group is about books, but also focuses on social justice oriented perspectives, and the prompts reflect that orientation. The main challenge is in modular form, with 7 different theme sets, and people can choose to do as many or as few modules as they like (though all of them are on here). 

You may include print books, e books, audiobooks, graphic novels, and books for any age. 
Thanks for joining in, and happy reading!

Challenge prompts