100 Books in 2022!

Hosted by super_fun_time_reads

42 participants, 1963 books added

Starts: Saturday, 01 January 2022

Ends: Saturday, 31 December 2022

This challenge is to read 100 books in 2022 :) This challenge includes any format; audio, paperback, hardback, graphic, and digital (if I missed something, add that in too;)). It includes all age groups (children's, middle grade, teen, YA, NA, Adult), all genres (too many to list), fiction and non-fiction. Tackle your TBR, check out books from the library, buy new ones, read fan-fic online... this challenge doesn't want to focus your reading on anything but READING.

The point is to read, and reading a book every 3-4 days means you are *probably* reading everyday, and what an amazing habit to develop and/or keep over the year!

Happy Reading!

Edit January 6th: I will be adding the challenge prompts this weekend!! I am in contact with storygraph about whether or not participants can add in their books to the prompts, waiting for a reply. I am sorry about this, I thought it would automatically upload the book we had finished. I will be adding 100 prompts, and I hope (fingers crossed) each participant will be able to add their finished book to each prompt so we can see what people are reading as we move through the year :)

Edit January 7th: We have challenge prompts!! After every book you read you can enter that book to the number you completed :) How I have done this is by clicking on the title of my completed book, scrolling down and "Add it to Challenge." The challenge prompts come up and you click the one after the last completed prompt. You'll see. Also, as of today, I only have 15/100 prompts up. I can edit as I go, and will be adding the rest of the prompts soon! If you get ahead of me, great! Don't let me stop you, lol! 

Edit February 1st: I've added more challenge prompts :) We are up to 50 challenge prompts! 26 participants and 105 books have been added! I *think* that all the added books are "read." It is hard to tell if I don't follow everyone and not everyone is public... so we're going to go with 26 participants and 105 books READ :) *feeling proud of us*

Edit March 23rd: I have added up to 75 prompts... I cam blown away that there are 35 participants and almost 500 books added. Again, I am not sure if all 35 people have read all of those books, or have just added them, but damn, that's an impressive group we have going here! I will add the rest of the challenge prompts soon. I have a friend that has already passed 50 books this year, what? The length of the challenge isn't even 25% complete! and she's at the halfway mark! So impressive. Wherever you are on this challenge, seriously, thank you for sharing. To all the readers, book worms and book dragons: you are so appreciated and your reading matters! 

Challenge prompts