Reading India Challenge

Hosted by wordylocks

19 participants, 62 books added

Starts: Friday, 01 January 2021

Ends: Friday, 31 December 2021

 India/Subcontinent-specific reading challenge by Books In The Times of Chaos.  The idea is to explore the diversity of India via books, and to read with a sense of responsibility as well as joy. 

Challenge Guidelines:
1. The books picked except for in response to prompt #2 should be set in India/the Indian subcontinent.
2. Many categories here are intentionally wide. The idea is to give you choice, while also encouraging you to read diversely. Please don't let us stop you from defining the specifics of each category, as you like.
So, for example, if you're a career woman and busy mom who is already feeling overwhelmed with work and home, and does not have the time to read a tome about the Constitution, you get the "raising future citizen" discount 😜 Just read We, The Children of India to your kid, yeah?
3. You can read in any Indian language, including English. Would love it if you could share with us what you're reading! 
4. Indian here, has a wide definition. It includes homeland and diaspora writers. Also includes writers of other nationalities who have made India their home, and who self identify as Indian. That said, the idea is to deepen our understanding of diversity of voices within India (geographically). 
5. We encourage readers to reach for the names that are not the usual suspects. We want to discover new authors, so do share on Books In The Times of Chaos, about an author you love, who hasn't got the attention they deserve. 
6. Preferably, even for those prompts where it is not specified, pick books that are ownvoices. OwnVoices as defined by writer Corinne Duyvis, refers to writing wherein an author and the protagonist share the same marginalized identity. The author (from a marginalized or under-represented group) writes about their own lived experiences/from their own perspective. For more about ownvoices: 

Challenge prompts