AI Generated Prompts

Hosted by jones_aybee

13 participants, 120 books added

Starts: Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Ends: Sunday, 31 December 2023

Hi! I was curious about what an AI would recommend for reading

The next paragraph was also generated using Chat GPT

As an avid reader, I was looking for ways to spice up my reading routine and challenge myself to explore new genres and perspectives. That's when I had the idea to let Chat GPT choose my reading prompts for me. I was intrigued by the idea of having an artificial intelligence algorithm curate my reading list and push me out of my literary comfort zone. Chat GPT gave a list of prompts to choose from, ranging from Pulitzer Prize winners to books with non-human protagonists, then I asked for its recommendations. To my surprise, Chat GPT came up with an eclectic mix of prompts that I would never have thought of on my own. I'm excited to dive into this new reading adventure and see where Chat GPT's recommendations will take me.

If this sounds fun to you, join me in this reading challenge.

Challenge prompts