Sad Girl™: The New Wave

Hosted by bibliothecolle

50 participants, 16 books added

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

Euphoria really hit hard this season. So did these Sad Girl™ cult releases.

Here I have compiled a list of popular literary fiction titles about women's physical and spiritual journeys, oftentimes touching upon themes of isolation, mental wellbeing, and misogyny. Feel free to join me on this (hopefully not too) depressing and (definitely very) enlightening road to self-exploration and sociocultural discoveries. Check out the Unhinged Women™ version (starring darker picks like Bunny) as well!

PS. Since we're already here, the side challenge is befriending other Sad Girls along the way, or finally finding the therapist we deserve. Anyhow, I'm open for buddy reads and book friends :)

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