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To make it easier to find books by latinx authors, I have decided to make this "challenge" to make a directory of books and make a compilation of these novels all in one place. The prompts are a list of different kinds of latinx authors and from different genres to help separate these works into categories to make it simpler to navigate through. The Idea was inspired by readwithcindy’s own directory of asian books for her own hosted challenges done in past years.
Directory of Latinx Books
71 participants (512 books)
To make it easier to find books by latinx authors, I have decided to make this "challenge" to make a directory of books and make a compilation of these novels all in one place. The prompts are a list of different kinds of latinx authors and from different genres to help separate these works into categories to make it simpler to navigate through. The Idea was inspired by readwithcindy’s own directory of asian books for her own hosted challenges done in past years.