Domino Chain Reading Challenge #2

Hosted by omqchristi

16 participants, 56 books added

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

In this challenge, you will select a book that falls under the first prompt. Then, after finishing that book. You will use that same book to follow the next prompt and pick the next book. The chain continues until the end. If you DNF a book, feel free to go back and reselect a new book.

Different book have different stats, so feel free to use your edition of the book for a harder challenge, or any edition of the book if you want an easier challenge.

If you are confused, read the prompts below for more instructions and an example!

All rounds do not have a set start/end date, so feel free to take your time with them!
Round 1: Domino Chain Reading Challenge #1 

Challenge prompts