Pretty Little Liars Readathon

Hosted by allthingsbooks20

6 participants, 61 books added

Starts: Sunday, 31 July 2022

Ends: Saturday, 31 December 2022

This is so exciting 🙌🏽 

From September until the end of November, I’ll be hosting a Pretty Little Liars readathon on bookstagram, where you can find templates to fill out as well as the prompts (you can find me on @allthingsbooks20) and of course I’ve popped all the prompts into a challenge on here as well ☺️

Even though it’s until November, I’ve set the end date on here until the very end of the year, so everyone has time to complete it, if they wanted to. 

♡ Feel free to use the #pllreadathon or tag me in your stories/posts, I love seeing what books you all chose for these prompts! 🥰 Templates can be found in my highlights under “PLL” - happy reading 📚✨ 

Challenge prompts