All The Good Dogs 2023 Reading Challenge

3 participants, 36 books

01 Jan 202331 Dec 2023


Do you love dogs? Of course you do! In 2023 All The Good Dogs Podcast is hosting a reading challenge for dog lovers who like to read.

All The Good Dogs is a "mixed bag" podcast about DOGS. From episodes featuring dog stories that owners share, to reviewing dogs that feature in media, to interviews with famous dog owners, the podcast has it all. One of our favourite things in book club, though not a super regular feature, it will be in 2023!

So will you join us in reading 12 dog themed books throughout the year? There will be a prize for 3 participants (drawn at random) who complete  at least 10 prompts with 10 unique books and a prize for 1 participant (drawn at random if multiple) who completes all 12! You can follow the podcast on Facebook or Twitter for more information through the year!

Challenge Prompts
