Festival of Love - The Tilted Kettle Book Club

caragami's profile picture caragami Host

15 participants, 111 books

01 Feb 202212 Mar 2022


Welcome to the festival of love! 

Here in the Inn where some of us may be separated from our own loves we celebrate lovers in books by tracking and completing 'The Lovers' constellation that only shows itself for 6 weeks from the 1st of February to the 12th of March.

All participants must start at 'Star' and connect the dots (prompts) to complete 'The Lovers' constellation.

That means a prompt won't ultimately count unless it is touching a prompt you have already completed. But you can read in any order after completing star.

Once you have complete all 11 books fill out the form on Discord.

And gain the Starwatcher title!

Check the Discord for the full constellation or see the 'map' below.

                    |           \
                 Red            Pink
               /                           |
             /                          Love ___
        Arrow                                    Cross
       |          \                                 /         |
       |            \                             /           | 
   Hearts         \                         /             |
       |                 \ Romance /                |
       |                                                   Fate
       |                                                       |
       |                                                       | 
 Tragic                                                    |

Challenge Prompts
