Four Nations Readathon: Fire Nation

16 participants, 221 books


This readathon  is inspired by the Four Nations of the Avatar universe (both the Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra) and takes place during July and January each year. So you can only complete the prompts during those months.
To enter this readathon you have to chose your element (and that means; your Nation). This Reading Challenge is only for the Fire Nation.  The amount of books you need for each level within the Nations is the same, but the prompts in all the Nations are different. 
The readathon is made up of levels and the challenge is to grow within your Nation. Each Nation has 10 levels, starting with ‘‘Nation inhabitant’’ and ending with ‘‘Protector of the original benders’’ (within the Nations all other levels are different). To get to a level, you have to read a certain amount of books with specific prompts 
There are extra levels you can reach within each Nation. All Nations have two skills that are beyond master level , if you want to reach these levels you must first reach level five within a Nation (the master bending level) and then you can chose to learn these skills. To learn these skills, you must read three books and they are bound by prompts. 
Apart from the extra skills you can learn, you can also decide to join a specific group, in Fire Nation you have:  Rough Rhino’s (reach level two first),  Fire Sages (reach level five first), and  Sun Warriors (reach level ten first).
At the end of July/January everybody has reached a specific level within their Nation (you can decide yourself how fast you want to read) and that is the level you will keep (you need to complete all the prompts of that level to keep it).  So when the readathon comes back, you will continue where you left off! 

Challenge Prompts
