The SFF Summer Reading Challenge

68 participants (786 books)

01 Jun 202301 Sep 2023


Welcome to the SFF Summer Reading challenge!

The purpose of the challenge is to explore the speculative genres like science fiction, fantasy, horror, magical realism etc. throughout the summer. Not only is the purpose to explore SFF books, it is also to explore the genres more through their representation, worldbuilding, character archetypes, and format.

As long as the book fits under the speculative fiction umbrella, they count for the prompts, and I highly encourage you to read genres you usually don't. Although if you want to wholly focus on a genre (for example fantasy) you're very welcome to do that!

You can do the challenge however you want - if a book you read fits more than one prompt, feel free to add it to all the ones that fit. If you want more of a challenge, do only one prompt per book.
Go at your own pace; the most important thing here is to have fun, explore books you maybe wouldn't have otherwise, and find some new favourites! : )

You can also join me on instagram at @theDragonsDen_ , where you can find the reading bingo and recommendations for the different prompts.
Feel free to post under the tag #sffsummerreading / #sffsummerreadingchallenge, and/or tag me directly. I'd love to see what you're reading!


Challenge Prompts
