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01 Oct 2023—31 Oct 2023
Read one book for every week of October together!
You choose if the books are from your TBR pile, all horror, 4 books from same author. Just 4 books, one in a week.
First week gets one day head start, and the last week is two days longer. If you want to make this a bit harder, only read the books monday-sunday, no extra days.
You choose if the books are from your TBR pile, all horror, 4 books from same author. Just 4 books, one in a week.
First week gets one day head start, and the last week is two days longer. If you want to make this a bit harder, only read the books monday-sunday, no extra days.
Booktober 2023
9 participants (52 books)
STARTS: 01 Oct 2023ENDS: 31 Oct 2023
Read one book for every week of October together!
You choose if the books are from your TBR pile, all horror, 4 books from same author. Just 4 books, one in a week.
First week gets one day head start, and the last week is two days longer. If you want to make this a bit harder, only read the books monday-sunday, no extra days.
You choose if the books are from your TBR pile, all horror, 4 books from same author. Just 4 books, one in a week.
First week gets one day head start, and the last week is two days longer. If you want to make this a bit harder, only read the books monday-sunday, no extra days.