A Well Read Book

smoladeryn's profile picture smoladeryn Host

2 participants, 36 books



I’ve had a lot of difficulty with my memory of books I’ve read. I had a stroke at 33 and I’ve also suffered other things that have affected my ability to be able to recall details of the media I loved.

Growing up I was existentially overwhelmed with the sheer number of good books there are in the world. That got worse as I got older as there seemed to be more and more books published every year.

Heading into my 40s I’m learning acceptance so, here we are. I’ll never read all the books I want to. I could also never accept being limited by learning disabilities.

After years of not reading much for complicated reasons, I’m back in, deep. I have this overwhelming drive to reacquaint myself with everything that made me, me.

So, instead of fretting about not being able to read all of the good books on the planet, I’m allowing myself to indulge, and most importantly—remember.

I also have a MASSIVE and constantly growing TBR shelf so I need to get through that.

The Challenge

So, it’s a pretty simple challenge. For every new book I’m reading, I’ll be trying to reread a book from my past that was dear to me but I’m fuzzy on  details. Yes, this also includes audiobooks/listening to a reading of books I’ve already read. We’re accepting of all forms of “reading” here <3

I’m setting the goal to 10 new and 10 old to make it somewhat achievable within 1-2 years for most people (cough, me)

I’m a slow reader so I’ll also just leave it open ended. Have fun rediscovering or even reevaluating the books that made you, you!

Write in your journal notes for yourself, or, like me, type up/save important quotes from the book. Then, when you’re done save some or a conclusion to your notes as a new review, or updated old one. 

This is especially fun because if you imported your history from good reads it only actually imports the rating you left, not the review!

Challenge Prompts
