Spooks and Tea's October Challenge

Hosted by keen

24 participants, 128 books added

Starts: Saturday, 01 October 2022

Ends: Monday, 31 October 2022

This challenge is based on Spooks and Tea's October Challenge bingo card from last year. I had so much fun then that I wanted to do it again!

Edit, October 5th: I noticed that a lot of thrillers can overlap or leak into horror, as well as other books with a heavy emphasis on dark storytelling. For that reason, these types of stories also count when picking your books. It's supposed to be fun, not stressful! It's the spooky season, and it's about you finding your own spooks.

Here's a link to the official Spooks & Tea book Master List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KmulHKs1RCBp4DDZm0Pe8QOfbHJL-jC4_uwftU0HyIY/edit

And another with tags for books: https://northernplunder.com/books-and-movies-spooks-and-tea-2021/

The link to the bingo card: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/847723000919752735/1025282579710103552/unknown.png?width=921&height=65

Challenge prompts