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01 Jan 2024—31 Dec 2024
Knock out some physical books you have been wanting to read but tend to pass over for others. Set up a list in your phone of 20 physical books you want to read this year. Then take a d20 and roll for what book you read. Once you finish roll for the next book. If you roll a number for a book you already read then flip a coin heads is the number before tails is the number after. If you DNF a book, replace it with another book on your physical tbr.
Roll for TBR
17 participants (253 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2024ENDS: 31 Dec 2024
Knock out some physical books you have been wanting to read but tend to pass over for others. Set up a list in your phone of 20 physical books you want to read this year. Then take a d20 and roll for what book you read. Once you finish roll for the next book. If you roll a number for a book you already read then flip a coin heads is the number before tails is the number after. If you DNF a book, replace it with another book on your physical tbr.