Disability Reading Challenge 2021

Hosted by boneloose

82 participants, 171 books added

Starts: Friday, 01 January 2021

Ends: Friday, 31 December 2021

I am a disabled/chronically ill person who has never found this aspect of myself centered in a reading challenge before, so I wanted to create one that does! I also think it will be a helpful tool for non-disabled people, since ableism and the disability experience are often left out of social justice conversations.

If you want to double up on prompts, go ahead!

Note: The word "disabled" is NOT a bad word! I actually personally find terms like "differently abled" offensive, since they indicate that acknowledging the limitations that society places on me is a bad thing that should be taboo, which I strongly disagree with. Being disabled is not a bad thing, and the first step in combatting ableism is being able to accept that with our language around it!

Challenge prompts