Sailor Moon Reading Challenge 2022

elskabee's profile picture elskabee Host

25 participants, 236 books

01 Jan 202231 Dec 2022


Last year I made a Sailor Moon reading challenge for myself and anyone else who wanted to join and a surprising amount of people did join! So I'm making another one for this year with the same general structure  but slightly different prompts.

The prompts are a little more narrow this year overall and focus more heavily on the sailor scouts' personalities and experiences as well as general traits/associations.

Only ONE prompt per character needs to be completed but there are several options listed under each for flexibility (or if you want to challenge yourself to completing each scout more than once!). Generally there are prompts relating to 
- the cover/title
- the main character's traits/hobbies/skills
- and general themes that are heavily present in the book

I highly encourage the use of synonyms for the title prompts (I tired to include several words but obviously can't include everything). Some scouts are bit easier than others to complete and my main goal was to create prompts that were highly relevant to the scouts but not overly restrictive in regards to genre or other factors. I used the sailor moon wiki to help me come up with prompts (the manga and animes) if you're wondering where I got my ideas from.

Have fun!

Challenge Prompts
