The Unread Shelf Project 2023

Hosted by theunreadshelf

204 participants, 361 books added

Starts: Sunday, 01 January 2023

Ends: Sunday, 31 December 2023

The Unread Shelf Project helps you finally finish the unread books you own. This year, we are using monthly one-word prompts to guide us in choosing our books every month. Your goal is to finish at least one book from your unread shelf every month. If you're a mood reader, you'll love this challenge.

If this is your first year in the Unread Shelf Project, make sure you take the free 3-week email course that helps you set up yourself for success - sign up here.

For more info, check out the Unread Shelf blog!

To join our private community site for fun & accountability as you tackle your unread shelves, check out our Unread Shelf Community. We have monthly Zoom literary meetings, buddy reads, and more.

Challenge prompts