2023 Ultimate Reading Challenge

Hosted by kingrosereads

45 participants, 357 books added

Starts: Sunday, 01 January 2023

Ends: Sunday, 31 December 2023

 Dear Reader,
Welcome to my 2023 Ultimate Reading Challenge! I'd say it's for seasoned readers, but all are welcome! There are 24 prompts, which averages about 2 books a month, but luckily, I've made 9 of the prompts optional! These are like little bonuses if you need some inspiration or motivation to read something that may be out of the norm for you. I've added a variety of prompts to also give you the chance to get through your own TBR. If this is just too daunting of a reading challenge, check out my 2023 Mini Ultimate Reading Challenge
I've added many books to each prompt to give you some options, but you're more than welcome to read whatever book you want to fulfill the prompt requirements! I tried to steer clear of the more popular authors and books that are found on BookTok/Bookstagram or just big name books (the exception of course would be the BookTok and YA Throwback prompts!). I also tried to be as inclusive as I could when it came to mental health, disability, BIPOC, plus-size, religious, and LGBTQIA+ representation in the books and the authors (while trying to also include books with protagonists aged 13 to 40). A lot of these books are ones I'd read if I could, but for the most part, they're books I haven't read, so they're not recommendations from me, but ones I found to fit the criteria. That being said, some of these books could be terrible, and some of them could be problematic (which I tried really hard to sus out but I went through over 400 books). I tried to only include books that had a rating of 3.30 or higher just to be sure, but that's no guarantee. 
Keep in mind that there's ALOT of crossovers with the books I've added, therefore there may be smut in some of the books not in the spicy prompt and there may be some books that handle difficult topics outside of the more serious prompts. And unless the prompt strictly states is YA, it's possible that there are YA, NA, or smutty books in any of the other prompts (for instance, there's likely to be YA and NA and smut in the romance-related prompts), so always check a book and its trigger warnings before reading. But if you see a book in one prompt that could satisfy another prompt, feel free to use it! 
Happy Year of Reading! 
These are the prompts:
  1. 2023 Release
  2. BIPOC Horror
  3. A book that after you read it you wished it would be turned into a movie/TV series
  4. A book you bought second-hand
  5. A book you really wanted to read in 2022 (but never got around to it) 
  6. Desi Reads 
  7. The longest (by pages) fiction novel on your TBR. 
  8. Read that book that has been on your TBR the longest
  9. Read a new addition to your TBR 
  10. Read a book that was written in or takes place in the decade you were born in 
  11. Read a book that was (or will be) turned into a movie/TV series
  12. Read the book you’re most intimidated by on your TBR 
  13. Something Sapphic
  14. Throwback Thrillers
  15. Your most anticipated 2023 release
  16. An Oldie But a Goodie* 
  17. Cozy Fantasy*
  18. Dark Academia* 
  19. Epic Read*
  20. Hi, I’m the Problem It’s Me* 
  21. In For a Good Cry* 
  22. Is This F*cking Story About Us?* 
  23. Nordic Noir* 
  24. TikTok Made Me Read It* 
 *These are the bonus prompts!
Also check out the other challenges I've been working on:
  1. 2023 Mini Ultimate Reading Challenge (1 January 2023 - 31 December 2023)
  2. Love is in the Air (31 January 2023 - 1 March 2023)
  3. 2023 Jumpstart to Read More (31 March 2023 - 31 July 2023)
  4. God Mode Reading Challenge (31 March 2023 - 30 September 2023) 

Challenge prompts