Biggest Mob Reading Challenge 2023

31 participants, 89 books

01 Jan 202331 Dec 2023


Here are some prompts for acknowledging & honouring the oldest living storytellers in the world - First Nations folks of so-called 'australia'.

I haven't been able to find any Blackfulla-specific reading challenges on StoryGraph so far, so I decided to create one! 

Whether you're mob hoping to find yourself in the stories of Kin, or non-mob wanting to expand your horizons and diversify your bookshelf, (or anything in between!), there's something in this challenge for everyone. We can all benefit from diving into & celebrating the deadly stories of Blak authors.

Many of these prompts are intentionally broad and can be interpreted in myriad ways to encourage creative and diverse responses.

Note: Texts exclusively authored/edited/illustrated by mob are preferred, but contributions from Blak storytellers in texts that also include non-mob are also fine.

I've made this challenge public in case anyone else was searching for something like it. I'll be more than happy if I just do this challenge solo, but anyone is welcome to join :)

Big lub.

Challenge Prompts
