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Bookstagram's Best Books of the 21st Century (U.S.)
Hosted by kendra_kendra
97 participants, 102 books
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Bookstagram's 102 Best Books of the 21st Century (U.S.) as voted by 324 ballots and compiled by the phenomenal @surabhi.reading, @openbookopen, and @ambershelf. See the first post for 76 to 102, the second post for 48 to 75, the third post for 11 to 47, and the Top 10 here.
There were ties in the voting, so the list includes 102 books and 86 place rankings. The groups that were tied are indicated in the prompt notes. Within each tied group, the books are in alphabetical order by title.
EXAMPLE: Four books were tied for 12th place. Those prompts are numbered from 12 to 15, and prompt 12 is the first book of the four alphabetically. After those four, the next book is ranked 16th.
There is no time limit to this challenge.
There were ties in the voting, so the list includes 102 books and 86 place rankings. The groups that were tied are indicated in the prompt notes. Within each tied group, the books are in alphabetical order by title.
EXAMPLE: Four books were tied for 12th place. Those prompts are numbered from 12 to 15, and prompt 12 is the first book of the four alphabetically. After those four, the next book is ranked 16th.
There is no time limit to this challenge.
Challenge Books