World Reading Challenge 2023

Hosted by clarereadstheworld

57 participants, 211 books added

Starts: Sunday, 01 January 2023

Ends: Sunday, 31 December 2023

Participation Guide:
The aim of this reading challenge is to encourage more diversity in your reading through 2023, there are therefore a couple of rules:
 1. You can not include a book written by an author from the same country as you. 
2. Each book should be written by an author from a different country. (16 prompts = 16 countries) 
3. Try to avoid authors from countries which typically dominate publishing, such as the UK and the USA (unless the author represents a minority within these countries). 
 4. All types of books count; physical books, e-books, audiobooks, library books etc. 

Organised by on Instagram 

Challenge prompts