Fall Mini Reading Challenge 2022

Hosted by pipedreambrekker

23 participants, 132 books added

You can start and finish this challenge whenever you like!

Welcome to the Fall Mini Reading Challenge 2022, brought to you by the Studyblr with Knives discord server! 

This mini challenge includes nine prompts and will officially last from October 1st to November 30th, but you can complete the prompts here on Storygraph whenever.
We're crossing out one prompt per book read, but feel free to tweak the rules to your liking.

Find the original tumblr announcement post with the bingo card here - if you end up posting updates on tumblr, do tag them with #studyblr w/knives reading challenge, we'd love to see what you read! :)

We've picked 3 recommendations for each prompt, but you can of course read anything that fits.

If fiction isn't really your preferred cup of tea, you might want to check out our Non Fiction Reading Challenge instead :)

Happy reading, everyone!

Challenge prompts