A review by chllybrd
Bite Club by Rachel Caine


Reviewed by http://urbanfantasyinvestigations.blogspot.com/

Rachel Caine continues her Morganville Vampires series just a short time after GHOST TOWN. As usual Rachel brings action, tension and a great storyline that keeps you reading. Some old characters find there way back into the Morganville population to cause havoc. Claire as usual deals with it all with her head held high and her friends by her side, She really has grown and come to accept her place in Morganville. I must say I'm kinda getting angry with Shane, it seems like he is always messing up lately. Granted it isn't always his fault but he seems to put himself in situations that make him hurt his friends and I hope it ends soon. All the characters continue to grow and when you think you know everything about someone, some new information is revealed. BITE CLUB does jump from two different point of views, Claire and Shane. I'm not really a fan of the jumping back and forth but Rachel does a good job with it so it isn't confusing and it is nice to see what Shane is thinking while he is doing stupid things. Since BITE CLUB tied up a loose end I'm interested to see where Rachel will take her characters and the town from here. If you have enjoyed the Morganville books in the past, I would recommend you continue to read them.