A review by tiannagripp
The Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard


This book was ok. For an Oprah's Book Club book, I thought I would LOVE it in all caps. In the end, I was pleased. The story is full of heart. I always felt for the Cappadoras as a whole throughout the story. They had so much to deal with and there were times where I just wanted them all to talk to each other. Be open and honest about your sadness and rage, but they just wouldn't do it. Which is really true to life. I always like it when characters are flawed. At the middle of the book, I wanted answers so badly that I did stay up to read it a couple of times, but once it got to the BIG moment, I somehow became less interested. I dunno, it was just a little...eh. Overall, not a bad book. Good way to kick off my plan to read all the OBC books.