A review by storyphoria
Fantastic Alice, by Margaret Weis



Fantastic Alice is packed with sixteen short stories that, while not poorly written, were just not stories written for me. The pace of most was slow and meandering, if not outright nonsensical(which I know SOME of the Wonderland tales could be also). There were just so few moments I remember even after finishing this book just last night.

Can a book be well written, while also just being kind of boring and forgettable?

In the end, the only readers that I’d recommend this book to without reservations would be those of you that are true, die-hard, fans of Alice in Wonderland and the worlds of Lewis Carroll. If you really know those characters and those worlds I think these stories will hold more interest for you. But for those of you that, like me, are just casual fans that might recognize names and places but never went DEEP into the worlds of Wonderland… you’ll likely find this to be a boring and forgettable slog to get through.

They can’t all be winners and not every book is written for every audience. I just wasn’t the audience for this book.