A review by nmellor
A Murder of Crows by Sarah Yarwood-Lovett


This was really quite disappointing. I feel like I'm being generous giving this three starts because the writing felt very flat and immature to me, especially with regards to the characters relationships. Maybe I'm too cynical but I found it very hard to believe the relationship between James and Nell and just how quickly someone would be interested in someone they've never met before. Anyway I bought this because I love nature and the ecologist angle really appealed to me but unfortunately it was a let down. The best bits of the book were the ecology bits hands down, but they weren't a main focus of the book, otherwise it was a very been-there-done-that murder mystery. I also found it incredibly hard to visualise the plot towards the end and found it really quite confusing, and considering it was rather simple I think that highlights the poor writing because I just couldn't wrap my head around it. The pace also felt very off with the first half being much, much slower than the last half. I've got the next two in the series so I will give the next one a try but if it's like this one I won't be bothering with the third.