A review by mslaura
Ghosts by John Banville


Ratings (1 to 5)
Writing: 4
Plot: 2
Characters: 2
Emotional impact: 2
Overall rating: 2.5
Favorite character(s):
Favorite quotes: "...the wind of something that was almost happiness wafted through them all." p.7
"He had a disjointed, improvised air, as if he had been put together in haste from disparate bits and pieces of other people." p.12
"...fear always holds at its throbbing centre that little, thin, unquenchable flame of pleasure." p.114
Other notes: I was really impressed by this book initially. I loved the author's way of describing the characters and setting and was intrigued by the premise. As the book progressed, though, the plot began to feel very disjointed to me and I could never quite get a hold of it somehow.