A review by sc104906
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust


Lynet's mother died before she was born and her father attempts to love her enough for the both of them. Lynet is treated as a prized possession and not allowed to get dirty, play rough, or leave the castle grounds. When a new healer comes to the castle, Lynet is increasingly drawn to her. It is through this connection that Lynet finds out a terrible secret about herself. When her father becomes severely injured possibly through the designs of her step mother, Lynet is forced to explore herself and find help from other parts of the kingdom.

Mina was born with a bad heart and her magician father fashioned one out of glass. Mina attempts to keep this information secret when she and her father travel to the king's castle to help him after his wife dies. Mina soon finds herself falling for the king, who seems to have feelings as well. However, his connection to his late wife and preoccupation with his daughter, Lynet, make it difficult.

This was an interesting retell, which offered an LGBTQ main character. I didn't see any dwarves along the way and I really like those seven sidekicks.