A review by stardust_priestess
Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles

I am at odds with this book, there were moments where I wanted to lump this in my DNF category. However I did finish it. I hate to say that there was so much mystery that it was hard to follow or know what was going on. Things became easier to follow towards the end of the book. The ending left a great cliffhanger and just enough intrigue that I will probably pick up the sequel to see how the story concludes. The most interesting character for me was the sister/partner behind the glass. I am looking forward to something more with her in the second book. Kallia and Jacks whole relationship annoyed me. Jack has a peeping tom type vibe that rubbed me the wrong way. Very big brother ish.
Maybe that’s just me. I’ll have to see how the second book ties up questions and ends.