A review by leahmichelle_13
Humbugs and Heartstrings by Catherine Ferguson


When Avon announced their new digital first Maze imprint (following in the footsteps of Carina UK and their own Harper Impulse imprint) I was quite excited. When I heard Humbugs & Heartstrings by Catherine Ferguson was the first title they were planning to publish, I thought it sounded really interesting. One of my absolute favourite plots to read about is former friends who find themselves working together. There's so much scope there, and with the promise of mince pie flinging and a general feeling of festivity, I was so there. I was quite excited to receive a copy to review, and I couldn't wait to dive in, and the novel did not disappoint.

Humbugs & Heartstrings is the first Christmas novel I've read this year (because it's still only October) but it's definitely going to be a tough one to beat, because it's amazing. I literally flew through the book in two days, because I just loved Bobbie's voice. There was just something so easy and forthcoming about Bobbie, and her narrative just flowed so beautifully. I was taken in, right from the start, and my love for the novel never once waned. (Which was a relief because I've had a run of so so books recently.) It is the most delightful Christmas tale I have ever read and what's so great about it is how simplistic it is. Two ex best friends go to war over a hotelier whose name is Charlie, but who will always be Ronald McDonald to me (read the book, you'll get it). But Bobbie's voice is so good that you just keep reading becauase it's like you've never read the plot before, ever.

The characters in Humbugs & Heartstrings were awesome, too. Bobbie is by far one of my favourite heroines this year. She's a bit of a wimp, I will confess, unable to stand up to The Boss, Carol, and taking everything Carol throws at her without recourse, but I loved her anyway, and when she eventually needs to stand up for herself, she does. (Even if it takes having to hear how someone else sees you from behind a stage.) I felt quite sad that Carol had thrown away their friendship over something that turned out to be frivolous in the end, because who wouldn't want Bobbie in their corner? She was delightful. Carol on the other hand was a nightmare. I wanted to like her and she had her moments, but mostly I wanted to strangle her and tell her to get a grip and stop being childish. I really loved Charlie. From the early email exchanges with Bobbie, to the fact he spent a lot of time around her, near her, it was just so cute. I tell you, these fictional men need to stop being so awesome, because they give a girl false expectations.

It surprises me so much that this is Catherine Ferguson's debut novel, because her writing just flows so effortlessly, and I wish that she had 5 other novels that I could quickly buy and devour, that's how good Humbugs & Heartstrings was. I adored the characters, I liked the story involving Bobbie's brother, because it added a more real element to the novel, and Bobbie's narrative voice was second to none. The plot was delightful and the novel even made me laugh a time or two. It is literally the most perfect book to curl up with during the Winter months, in front of a roaring fire preferably and with a mince pie or two (not to throw at someone!!!) and a glass of wine. It just made me so warm and happy inside and it was such a pleasure to read a book without much angst. If you read one Christmas themed book this year, make it Humbugs & Heartstrings, it's really, really good.This review was originally posted on Girls Love To Read