A review by priya_sankaran05
The Brightest Night by Tui T. Sutherland


The final book in this story line was as gripping as the first four books.

I really want to accolade the author for putting a lot of focus on the each individual dragon's character and molding them in the best possible and positive way.

Every book was so relatable from the point of view of the age group this book is intended for.

The main protagonist of this story (if I can say so) is Sunny. A favorite of all and also considered like a little sister who is well protected and pampered. But this story brings to light that not all are comfortable remaining that way and not playing the hero. Most are not given the opportunity and some are not willing to take initiative to create one where there is none.

Sunny is portrayed as a reverse to both. She sees an opportunity, grabs it and also creates more to prove what she has believed in since she was born. This shows that right amount of confidence and courage and also (loving family and friends) support can result in achieving great things.

Time and again it is indicated that if someone is not being taken seriously, the best course of action is to talk less and do more. Like what Sunny did in this book. I believe this should not be taken literally where we end up doing dangerous things. This is more towards actions that are in a positive way. Like being a student, it makes a good action, when we perform better in academics or anything that interests us etc.

One minor thought was the ending, was expecting a little more action but given the way the 3 Sandwing sisters have been, this probably is a fitting ending.

Overall, really really enjoyed the book. Already feel like starting from the first book again. Loved the characters and missing them all. Do not know which one is my favorite, definitely all of them :). Hoping the next 5 books are as interesting as the first 5.