A review by jennifersiyuanzhou
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


3.5 rounded up

loved how the world and the fairy tale was worked together
reading about the pandemic with COVID is wow
Cinder keeps having not like other girls moments!!! agh!! especially annoying cuz her being a cyborg DOES make her not like other girl but like not like that. could've just focused on that
eh about the romance with Kai. but since it's a retelling im g with it. more than the disney version!!
her relationship with her stepsisters and stepmother was nicely explored
rly liked how the story introduced so many different things (the plague, relations with Luna, lost princess Selene, shells, glamour, etc.)

overall, fine standalone story (rly the main things is that i kinda forgot a lot of what happened fairly quickly and Cinder didn't have me completely immediately falling in lover with her), good setup for rest of series