A review by wellwortharead
Nightmares in Aston - Wicker Village by Michael J. Moore


When the Boogey man shows up Juanito has not even had time to process the stress of leaving his friends and his house in the city for a tiny 2 bedroom trailer that looks like a Twinkie. Of course he doesn't really believe in such things, he's practically in the 6th grade and too grown up to be scared by monsters, but there is definitely something spooky going on in the trailer park. It's a good thing Juanito is good at making friends because he'll need some help if he's going to solve the mystery and save his family from a threat they won't even believe in.

This is a fun and creepy story geared towards a middle school audience but could certainly be enjoyed by older horror fans as well. I liked the main character Jaunito who seemed wise beyond his years, and who had the maturity to befriend the bullied kid Pinky even knowing it may cause the bullies to start picking on him too. There are a few really spooky scenes but I think if your kids have read any Goosebumps they can handle it. It did surprise me that there was a reference to drinking beer in the woods by an 11 year old, I hope kids these days don't really start that early. To be clear it was not as if drinking in the woods was glorified or encouraged, but it happened, and if I were purchasing this book for a child I would want to be aware of that.

I received a complimentary copy for review