A review by calistareads
The Most Terrible of All by Mượn Thị Văn, Matt Myers


This is a terribly cute book! We loved it in our house. The nephew was laughing so much that he made the niece curious and we read it a second time for her. It’s a beginning story for a little older beginners and perfect for a 5 year old boy.

This is a twist on the magic mirror from snow white. Each morning our main monster asks the mirror who’s the most terrible of them all. The reply has always been ‘Ugly smuggly, my smelly wuggly, you are the most terrible one of all.’ My nephew loved that. In the picture is a frog hiding from the monster and his wide eyes and arms flattened against a rock cracked the nephew up. One day we find out there is a new terrible and it lives next door. Our monster storms over to the neighbors house and begins to be as terrible as he can. He finds the new monster is a baby (how perfect) and she is no match for our monster, but they do become friends. I think the scene that really did it for the kids was the baby was sitting on our monster’s head and then we see the diaper fill up with gas and an explosion happened. It took about 5 minutes at least to get the kids to settle down. You know the power of potty humor in this house. I was laughing at the kids and not the story. How they giggled.

I thought the artwork was great and it had so much humor in it. I want to read more by Muon Thi Van.

This story was perfect for my nephew. He gave this 10 our of 5 stars. He wants to own the book now. The niece thought this was funny too and she gave this 5 stars. It’s a hit.