A review by losgiraffee
Fire Sea by Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weis


Man oh man, where to start on this one. HOW ABOUT WITH THE MOTHER EFFING ZOMBIES!!! Thaaaaaat's right. The 3rd volume introduces zombies. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. Buuuuuut after the slightly disappointing and mildly boring second volume, [b:Elven Star|28485|Elven Star (The Death Gate Cycle, #2)|Margaret Weis|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1324543424l/28485._SY75_.jpg|1919217], this one manages to recapture the imagination and throws you directly into the action. I can't think of anything that would make someone NOT like this world. It has freaken rocks. It has freaken lava. It has a freaken dragon that SWIMS in the freaken lava. I just totally nerded out The. Whole. Book. No shame.

We finally get the reintroduction of Alfred, which we haven't seen since the first book, and he and Haplo are forced to be travelling companions after Alfred accidentally passed through the death gate. I enjoy their interactions and the symbolism of good and evil between them. This volume delves into Haplo's inner struggle on everything he's ever known vs. everything that he's observed on the worlds he's visited. The continuation of character development was good and the world development was phenomenal.

Like the last two worlds, this one is also wrought with war, destruction, and dying. Same concept as the last two, just maybe done a little better. However it's the first world that has actually had Sartans present, although
Spoilerthey have evidently lost their way, forgotten most of the old magic, practiced necromancy, and accidentally killed off their own race with it.
*whispers* zoooommmbbbiiieeesssssss

The concept is neat, the world is pure bad-assery as long as you like dark and claustrophobic spaces with friggen lava dragons, and the characters are mostly interesting with the exception of a couple that fell a little flat. *shrugs* Can't win them all. I was of course traumatized and literally yelled "noooooo"
Spoiler when they threw Dog into the lava and he died.
Literally traumatized me....for about 30 pages until
Spoilerhe shows back up with Alfred and you learn he's basically immortal as long as Haplo is alive. I have a current theory that he's Haplo's conscience or the split in his mind. It hints as much since book one but still hasn't let you completely in on what's going on there.

Overall it was an awesome read. If you trudge through the last novel, this is your reward. The pace is faster, there's less standing around and talking to each other, the development is good, the world is FRIGGEN AMAZE-BALLS (I hope I've gotten across how cool this world is by this point), and thus far the best book in the series. Immediately diving into volume 4.