A review by katiev
The Demure Bride by Joannie Kay


There were too many side stories going on in this aside from the H/h, and I think that time could have been better used to develop their relationship. In so many of these books, I wonder why the couple fell in love at all. I would like to see that aspect of the relationship developed more.

Also, if you are looking for erotica this isn't it. It's more straightforward discipline than erotica. There is one scene that starts to be a bit spicy, but it gets cut off. I blame Amazon for this in a way. When you search for 'spanking erotica', this and other books that are really just discipline w/out or w/very little sexual content come up. I would advise readers to read the reviews before deciding to read something based entirely on how the book turns up in a keyword search. I realize some people are more interested in the spankings/discipline and not so interested in the erotic component and that's fine - I just wish these books were labeled more as 'spanking only' or 'spanking w/erotica' or something like that.

I also did not like the fact that some of the punishment scenes were the father punishing the h (totally non-sexual, so it wasn't sick). I'm just not interested in that sort of spanking.