A review by victinerary
Erebus by Alessa Thorn


🌶🌶🌶 /4

*Contains Spoilers* 

More modern day meets hot & spicy Greek myths. Fav quotes to convince you to read Erebus:

“Sing to me a final song, of the Primordial Darkness and the Witch Queen of Corinth”

Circe to Medea: “We were both fucked over by the gods and Hermès’ brats. That binds is closer than anyone. We will get our revenge on Darius together and take our future with both hands.”

“I know what you are.” Erebus smirked at her, “Did it feel good to let the beast out for once?”

M: “I fucking hate you” 
E: “No, you don’t. You hate that I see all that glorious darkness in you, and I don’t run in the opposite direction.”

“… the most hated woman in all of Greece.” Medea said, her lips curling into a smile that told him that she liked the title.”

M: “What will I be then?”
E: “Terrifyingly magnificent at whatever the fuck you decide you want to be, Medea”

“Erebus was lean and darkly feral around the edges. He was a wolf playing house mutt, but he couldn’t hide the predator entirely.”

M: “Don't say sweet things like that because you think it’s going to get you fucked again.”
E: “I wouldn’t know how to be sweet, and I know I’ll be fucking you again”

 “You are Wrath made woman, Medea, and I can’t get enough of it”

“Medea thought he was silent because he was disgusted. It was because he was speechless with how much he wanted her. Every broken and mangled part.”

M: “All of your darkness and violence, your pain and rage, it calls out to me because we match, down to our skin and shades. Looking at you infuriated me because, in you, I could see everything that I hated and tried to control in myself."

‘Erebus frowned down at her. "Why the fuck would I ever want you to surrender to me? You giving me hell is better than all the heavens I can imagine”

“Medea was like kissing a thunderstorm contained in a woman.”

“You really turn on the charm with everyone, don't you?"
"Except for you”
"And why am I the exception? Don't I deserve it?" 
"You flirt with prey, honey, not another predator. I don't want to lull you into not seeing me for what I am. I want you to want the monster because it's the most honest version of myself."

“It's such an honor to meet you," Dany said, shaking Medea's hand. "You've always been my favorite bad bitch."

E to M: "You make your own bullets too? Why don't you just marry me already?"

“No matter what form he was in, Erebus would always recognize Medea as his witch”

"You are so fucking perfect, every broken and beautiful part," Erebus said as he kissed her. "Even if you're fighting with me, you're always going to be worth coming back for."

 E: "I don't know if you are going to be the best or worst addiction I've ever had" 
M: "Can't I be both?" 
E: "I would hate it if you weren't." 

"Medea, you shot arrows from a chariot pulled by flying dragons today. You couldn't be boring if you tried.”

“Erebus had thought she was impressive with a bow, but she was magic with a blade. Murder poetry, Erebus thought dreamily as his shadows strangled a mercenary.”

“Medea spat on the carpet and it sparked alight with fire, the glow warming her blood-smeared face. She looked every inch the rampaging witch queen everyone feared.”

"My reputation is being falsely convicted of murdering my own children, for getting revenge on the man who betrayed me, and denying Hera of the entertainment of my death," Medea said. "I know exactly what I am and what I symbolize, Darius, and so does everyone who is watching. I am the fury of wronged women and their revenge, and I will get it no matter what. I will be the blade of all those women whose babies are dead in Styx tonight because you were another bored, mediocre rich man who wanted to play at greatness."

"I love you, my witch." Medea's smile was lightning and sunshine and destruction. "I love you too, my monster," she replied.