A review by wanderlustlover
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Cobalt Squadron by Elizabeth Wein


I could not wait to get this book. I love Elizabeth Wein so much, and I was so happy to see her name on the spine of a Star Wars book. I was deeply not disappointed and I ended up in tears in this series, which we knew had to happen given how we find Paige and what she is mourning when we first meet her in the series. It was so, so, so well written and my heart to The Tico Sisters forever.

Live plurk readthrough notes below:

Hello, Paige & Rose.

Eeeeee! That’s wonderful. I’ve been blowing through the middle grade novels in a fast flush. This is my third one now. Sadly, I don’t currently have a fourth pulled from my library yet.

How far are you in? Am I totally right in these sisters aiming to break my heart by this ending?

Oh nifty! Then, we might be just along with each other. Since I just started it when I tossed up this plurk.

Like my others, listening is inspiring arts
Rose Board
Rose & Paige Board

“But at least if they were going to die,
they were going to die together.”

The bittersweet glory of all their love and loyalty.

The first ship that goes up in such anti-climactic silence is powerful and put me straight almost into tears. It’s sssuuccchhhh a Wein thing. A very Codename Verity series thing she did. I love it so hard.

kiss me, Hardy, kiss me quick

Oh, yeah. I’m in tears at the fruit scene.
I’m not too surprised since Wein is one of the 1% of authors to make me cry in the past, but I hadn’t expected it pre the Paige loss of that happened in this book.