A review by thepaperreels
Screaming Divas by Suzanne Kamata


Honest. Heartbreaking. Funny.

Those are the words that really came into my head after reading The Screaming Divas. I'm a music lover. In fact just give me a good book and a music to listen to, and I'm fine. So when I read the Blurb if The Screaming Divas I know I'm going to like it. It met my expectations and I was engaged from the first chapter.

This book is very relatable and easy to read. I found myself relating with every characters. Trudy for me is the strongest, she had a very rough life. Her attitude wasn't really something that I would like but if you knew her backstory, you would know that there's a reason why she acts that way. Then there's Harumi. Her life seems to be perfect compared to others but like the other girls, she's also struggling. There's Esther. My heart broke for her a little. She's confused and I think all she wants is acceptance. Don't we all? And of course, Cassie. I'm done. She's my favorite and.. what happened just broke my heart. I didn't like it, but I do think it's necessary.

I'm really a fan of the author now. She made a story of friendship that is full of laughs, heartbreaking moments and unforgettable characters.