A review by hdmartin88
The Cowboy and the Pencil-Pusher by S.C. Wynne


*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement. *

Paul Smith is a workaholic. He was raised by his workaholic father and groomed as the heir to his father's bank. Paul’s has no interest or time for people in his life. When Paul’s father has a health scare he suddenly sees the errors of his way and decides it’s time to change. He wants to build a relationship with his son, but Paul doesn’t trust that the changes in his father will stay once he forgets what happened. Paul’s father also wants to change the way he does business and instead of foreclosing on every property, he wants to make them better. Paul is very much against this idea. He doesn’t care what the stories are behind each foreclosure, to him it’s just irresponsible people that have made bad decisions and who aren’t fulfilling their obligations. But, once again, Paul finds himself at a ranch trying to talk the ranch owner and his grandson, Cort, into agreeing to new loan terms and turning their ranch into a dude ranch.

Cort is unhappy initially about the dude ranch but is willing to work with Paul to make things easier for his grandfather. Cort lives in a small town, where everyone knows everything about each other. Cort loves his life and his grandfather but he wants more. His one and only relationship has been a long-term affair with a married man, who seems to just drop into town whenever he wants. And Cort is at his beck and call while he’s there.

This was a true opposite attract story. Cort was a cowboy and Paul from the city. Cort was all about family and Paul would prefer to forget he wasn’t hatched alone. Cort was about finding love and Paul was about one time hook-ups. Cort was willing to have a long-term affair with a married man and Paul actually believed this was wrong. Cort prefers the outdoors and Paul prefers the indoors. Cort thinks a perfect vacation is camping in the mountains in the quiet and Paul needs something exciting like swimming with the sharks. Most of this book was spent in a push and pull between the two MC’s with the resolution coming at the very end. We did get to see Paul grow a little bit as a person with feelings. And Cort finally had to make his decision about whether carrying on his affair or going a new path with Paul was his best option.

I would have liked to see more resolutions regarding Paul and his father and Cort and his affair. And because the MC’s relationship didn’t come together until the very end, we only got a glimpse in the epilogue that things seemed to work out between them.

Rating: 3.5 stars