A review by jrice17
The Gilded Crown by Marianne Gordon

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Voyager for the electronic advanced reader's copy of this book. 

I expected to enjoy this book more than I actually did. The story progressed a little too slowly for my liking. I thought the world was interesting and Hellevir's (FMC) ability to bring people back from the dead is super interesting. I could not get past how rude and ungrateful the princess is. I also struggled to envision a map of the world as well as the city. A map would have helped. I also couldn't quite understand nor care to understand the Onaistus religion. 

The one aspect of the book I loved and continued to wait until I got more of, was Death. Every time Hellevir went to Death's limbo world and spoke with him to negotiate with him for souls I was enraptured. I wanted more, but understand that the plot in the normal world had to carry on. 

This book was not meant for me, but if you like political intrigue, dark fantasy, queer romance, and necromancy, then this book is for you!

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