A review by kadi_p
Wonder Twins (2019-) #2 by Mark Russell, Stephen Byrne


*Mild spoilers, read at your own discretion.*

I’m not even sure how I felt about this. This was, in all honesty, disappointing.
This was me:

Some of the things that happened in this issue:
- Humour that ranged from genuinely funny (only in the first couple of pages) to very forced.
- A super random cameo from Beast Boy that was completely unneeded.
- A blue monkey. For two scenes. Completely unexplained and unnecessary.
- Jayna judging Earth and moaning about how bad it is, FOR THE WHOLE ISSUE. I’m not a big fan of aliens who try to put themselves up on a pedestal. I can’t show the scenes because it will give the whole issue away, but she really does spend the entire issue trying to show how terrible humans are.
- And somehow, I felt like this issue was a social commentary on how we treat criminals by putting them in jail. I feel like there was a very explicit political angle to this issue and I’m not entirely sure it was necessary.

The sad thing is that the first couple of pages were so strong and interesting; the
is a very interesting super-villain that I've never come across before. Then the issue just descended into cheap jokes, the most laughable “super-villains” (if you can even call them that) that I have ever seen, and politically-charged allusions to the negative aspects of the legal system that made this very uncomfortable to read.

It was such a terrible way to follow up what I thought was a great [b: first issue|43637221|Wonder Twins (2019-) #1|Mark Russell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1550424063s/43637221.jpg|67904710] that by the end of the issue I kinda hated Jayna and was totally feeling sorry for the super-villain
SpoilerBaron Nightblood aka Drunkula

The only positive aspects of the issue was that some of the humour was good because it didn’t feel really forced and the fight scene was great. There's so much potential in both the teen Wonder Twins and the newest super-villain, so I believe the [b:next issue|44143670|Wonder Twins (2019-) #3|Mark Russell|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1551192175s/44143670.jpg|68650953] could be an improvement.

Check out my review for issue #1!!